The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (USG) approved today a policy change designed to further enhance postsecondary completion in Georgia. The change will allow additional courses from the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) to transfer to all of the USG’s 35 degree-granting institutions.
Currently, while hundreds of courses transfer from TCSG colleges to individual USG institutions, only credits in five TCSG-taught core courses – mathematics, algebra, pre-calculus and English composition (two courses) – are transferable to all USG campuses. The Board’s action adds five TCSG courses in American literature, psychology, economics, sociology and public speaking to that list.
“Our action is good news for Georgia’s students,” said Board Chairman Willis Potts. “University System staff have worked collaboratively with their technical college counterparts to enlarge the scope of our transfer agreements.”
The policy change builds upon the USG’s existing national reputation for ease of transfer within the University System by expanding the practice to the technical colleges.
“Ensuring all USG students have complete ease of transfer among our institutions is a priority,” said Chancellor Erroll B. Davis Jr. “It’s a little known plus for our students: many people do not realize that within the University System our core courses have 100 percent transferability – few state public higher education systems do as well.”
Course transfer within the USG was enhanced by the regents’ redesign of the System’s core curriculum, approved in Oct. 2009.
The core is 60 credit hours that all USG college students must take, regardless of major, to earn a bachelor’s degree.
“We have worked for years in Georgia to promote ‘seamless education’ – the ease with which students can move from K-12 into postsecondary education and between the two postsecondary systems,” said Regent Ben Tarbutton, the Board’s vice chair. “This is another important step in that ongoing effort.”
The policy change will be effective immediately. To be eligible for transfer, the TCSG colleges must be accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). In addition, students must meet USG admissions requirements.
From the University System of Georgia Newsroom
ReplyDeleteJust thought it should be clear that two-year colleges in the USG and institutions in the Technical College System of Georgia are two completely different things. You've conflated them here.
What this policy does is make it easier to transfer TO a USG institution FROM a TCSG institution.
In addition, you've posted a very old USG map. From the looks of things, it's at least four years old. Many of these colleges have changed their institutional mission and have become four-year colleges. Also, it doesn't even list Georgia Gwinnett College.