Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Class Act

So often we hear children say that when they grow up they want to be doctors and astronauts or athletes, but what about the people who prepare these professions for success? Many of those same individuals will say that there was one very special teacher at some point in their lives who inspired or pushed them to be great.

Well, here is your chance to celebrate that teacher in your life. Donna Lowry of 11Alive does a segment entitled "Class Act". It is all about showcasing various teachers who do more then what is written in their job description. This can be anything from working with special needs children, inspiring students to give life to their writings or using Skype to connect American student to others all over the world and this is just what past winners have done.

There are no limits or restrictions. If your favorite teacher made a difference in your life, think, how many more lives they have affected. It's time to show and tell the world what teachers are doing creatively inside the classroom to shape the leaders of tomorrow.

Find out more information about Class Act.

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