Best Decorated Room Contest Rules
In order to participate in contest, you must be nominated. You are allowed to nominate yourself. Fill out the Best Decorated Room Nomination Form before noon (11:59am) of September 30, 2011. All rooms will be looked at during the week of October 3 (3-7).
A winner will be chosen from four categories: Greek Village, Traditional room, Non-traditional room, and Overall Most Creative. Traditional Room will be selected from Downs, Bowdon, Boykin, Strozier, or Watson. Non-Traditional Room will be selected from Arbor View, Community Suites, or Tyus. Greek Village Room will be selected from Greek Village. Overall Most Creative Room will be selected from all rooms nominated from all buildings and all areas.
The categories of Traditional Room, Non-Traditional Room, and Greek Village Room will be graded based on the decorative quality of the room, the welcoming atmosphere of the room, and also the cleanliness and organization of the room. The Overall Most Creative Room must exhibit excellent décor and also utilize creative space-saving techniques.
Judges will be university staff members, so please be aware that if you are nominated, a campus official will have the right to enter and examine your room.
Room cannot display any campus prohibited items. This includes, but is not limited to, alcohol and drug paraphernalia, signs or symbols with negative connotations, and fire hazard objects such as candles or open burners. Room must comply with all standards of the university and must be clean during the week of October 3 - October 7. Room must also contain all original furniture. If room is found not complying with these rules, the room will automatically be dismissed from the contest, and if applicable, the owner of the room may face conduct charges.
The owner of the Overall Most Creative winning room will receive a Best Decorated Room packet, including a free LiveWest t-shirt, a $50 giftcard to Target, and an article about their room in the WestWord Newsletter. The winners from the three categories will receive a $25 giftcard to Target and a LiveWest t-shirt.
If you have any further questions, please contact Misti Steward at mistis@westga.edu.You can also follow Housing and Resident Life on Twitter, @UWGHousing
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