Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Can You Contact a Lawmaker?

Georgia's state government has seen its fiscal health decline rapidly and dramatically over the past couple of years. The University of West Georgia has had to share in that pain.

How much?

A 10 percent budget cut this year.

A 12 percent budget cut last year.

Now, the state Legislature has asked the University System of Georgia to cut more.

How much more?

Approximately $300 million more.

The University System receives about 12 percent of the state's budget.

But that $300 million cut would amount to 30 percent of the sum lawmakers are seeking to trim from the entire state budget.

If the University System gets only 12 percent, why is it being asked to give 30 percent?

*That's a good question for Georgia legislators.*


UWG's share of that cut would be $8.1 million, or about 16 percent of an already lean budget.

What would that mean?

Job cuts (faculty, staff and student workers).

Academic cuts (departments, majors, graduate degree programs).

Service cuts (public safety, student counseling and campus maintenance).

Times are hard. Tough decisions are being made. But as you know, education is more than an expense, it's an investment.

*Do Georgia's lawmakers understand that?*


But these cuts aren't a done deal -- yet.

If you contact Georgia's state lawmakers NOW, you can explain to them what higher education means to you and to the economic future of the state and nation.

Georgia legislators will be shown, at a hearing tomorrow morning, what a $300 million cut will mean for this state and its institutions.

Call them or e-mail them to show them what it will mean to you; how it will greatly hinder your institution's ability to provide critical services to its students, and how it will harm UWG's efforts to create a more educated workforce.

Click on the link below to find state legislators, then contact them and tell them that education matters.



Contact these key lawmakers on this issue:

Senator Seth Harp, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education



Representative Earl Ehrhart, Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education



Representative Bill Hembree, Member of the House Appropriations Committee



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