The “Howl to Help the Hungry” campus wide canned food drive ran by The Second Year Experience Program ended on Thursday, November 10 with a sculpture competition that took place outside the TLC from 10 am to 2 pm. The food drive was ran to benefit the Carroll County Soup Kitchen for its upcoming Thanksgiving meal.
“We had volunteers from the Excel Center, Career Services, Greek Life and CSI to help out with the event,” said Katie Mosley, coordinator of TSYEP, and that “[the event] would have been impossible without their help!” Mosley said that four student groups participated in the organization: a personal relationships class from the Department of Psychology, College Girls Rock, the Advanced Academy, and the Excel Center. The Advanced Academy won first place with their Tree of Life sculpture (pictured). College Girls Rock won Most Spirited by utilizing the GO WEST theme, while the personal relationships class won Most Donated Items with over 120 items donated.
Mosley said that 447 food items were collected during the food drive, making the event a huge success. The sculpture contest will now be an annual event and TSYEP hopes to get more students, organizations, and departments involved next year.
For more information on the food drive or TSYEP, contact Katie Mosley at (678) 839-6280 or at katiej@westga.edu.
For more information on the Carroll County Soup Kitchen, visit carrollcountysoupkitchen.org.
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