The University of West Georgia and its Department of Mathematics will host the Integers Conference 2011, a four-day international research conference focusing on the mathematical areas of combinatorics and number theory. The conference will be held on campus, Wednesday through Saturday, Oct. 26-29, in the Campus Center and the Education Center.
The event has been held biennially at the University of West Georgia since 2003 and has developed a loyal following among leaders in the field. This year’s conference is expected to attract more than a hundred participants from 15 countries. There will be about 75 speakers, including five plenary talks. Speakers will range from students conducting their own research to internationally revered scholars. Among the presenters will be Professor Ken Ono, who has recently solved one of the most famous and notoriously elusive problems in mathematics; a summary can be found at http://esciencecommons.blogspot.com/2011/01/new-theories-reveal-nature-of-numbers.html.
The conference is being organized by Dr. Bruce Landman, professor of mathematics and interim dean of the College of Science and Mathematics, Melvyn Nathanson of the City University of New York, Jaroslav Nesetril of Charles University (Prague), Richard Nowakowski of Dalhousie University (Nova Scotia), and Carl Pomerance of Dartmouth College. The organizers are also members of the editorial board of the journal Integers. As Landman is the journal’s founder and managing editor, UWG is considered its home.
The conference is intended for students as well as mathematicians. According to Landman, combinatorial number theory is one of the most accessible branches of mathematics, where many of the research problems can be easily understood even by high school students. The conference will include a good number of student research presentations.
The conference is being supported by the Number Theory Foundation. The proceedings of the Integers Conference 2011 will be published, both in book form by de Gruyter, and as a special issue of the Integers journal. Detailed information about the conference, including registration information, may be found at http://www.westga.edu/~math/IntegersConference2011.
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