Most of us living in college dorms or apartments don’t think twice about our water heating and consumption. But when we wash our clothes or take showers, we could be following a few simple tips to make sure we are being energy efficient – and cost-efficient as well.
First, install low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators – they reduce hot water consumption by up to 50 percent. And take showers instead of baths – you’ll use about half as much water. (And save time as well.)
Report leaking faucets to your manager or resident assistant – one drop of hot water per minute wastes about 60 gallons of water per week and the energy to heat it. Also, wait until your dishwasher is full before turning it on. Automatic dishwashers require the same amount of hot water and electricity to wash a partial or full load. Turn off the drying cycle if you don’t need to dry dishes immediately.
When doing laundry, be sure to wash a full load of your clothes at a time – in warm or cold water, and rinse in cold water. Hot water should be used sparingly, and so should detergent: over-sudsing makes your machine work harder.
Dry clothes in consecutive loads so the dryer doesn’t have to reheat every time. Separate loads into heavy and lightweight items for more even drying, and remove clothes when they’re still slightly damp. Be sure to clean the lint filter after each load.
Use these tips to save energy and cut down on expensive monthly payments!
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